A letter from CJO Executive Director, Scott Garlock
40! We’ve come a long way, baby!
The CJO began as a group of our region’s finest players meeting on Monday nights at the Rascal House on Euclid. We were rewarded with beer, pizza and the excitement of a crowd eager to hear a big band of this caliber performing music that wasn’t what every other band was playing.
The push to play music unique to the CJO and to perform it at the highest levels has remained key to our identity and success. Each leader - Gary Scott, Roland Paolucci, Jack Schantz, Sean Jones and current Artistic Director Paul Ferguson - has sought to continue to present programming and artists that few ensembles in the world could successfully pull off. And what a great ride it has been!
The thanks for the realization of our mission by “engaging the community with original music, exceptional performances, and inspirational educational programming” goes to so many. First of all, we are grateful for the musical contributions of the current band and the commitment of so many players who have spent decades of musical dedication and excellence - original members George Shernit and Paul Hungerford, and others who, along with me, have logged over 25 years in the group, including John Klayman, Jack Schantz, Chas Baker, Paul Ferguson, Joe Miller, and Dave Banks. You all have indelibly created what the CJO is and will continue to be.
We are so fortunate that not only are CJO musicians master performers, but they are also our region’s finest jazz instructors. And while most think of the CJO via our concerts, fully half of our concentration now is in our Educational Outreach work, which serves our communities and students in so many different ways – our residency program with the Cleveland Schools, our instrument donation program, free student tickets, rehearsals at schools, and funding for our players to serve as adjudicators, guest artists/clinicians.
We wouldn't be where we are today without the CJO Board, which has been incredible in navigating the ensemble through difficult times and in maturing the organization into the forceful cultural and educational entity that it is today. So many have donated so many hours, so many ideas and so many needed funds to move us forward. Our Board today is the most talented, diverse and largest in our history. We continue to seek your help-please contact me at: booking@clevelandjazz.org if you have interest in continuing our important work serving NEO.
Lastly, we THANK YOU, dear audience. Your attendance, your energy, your opinions and your support have made it possible for us to become what we are today. We look forward to serving and entertaining you for many years to come as only we can.
Best, and stay safe and well,
Scott Garlock
Executive Director
Meet the Board of Directors
Jonathan Augustine
George Blake
George Carr
Personnel Chair
Eric Daniel
VP of Governance
Lynne Gerace
Educational Outreach Chair
Sam Gerace
Finance Chair
Calvin Griffith
Development & Marketing Chair
Nathan Holaway
Scott Marsh
Lolita McDavid
Jason Nedley
Vince Robinson
Musette Vincent
Robert Walser