Educational Videos
In response to director/student need for virtual content during the pandemic lockdown, the CJO created 10 free, educational instructional videos which were emailed to our database of band directors. These were also placed on CJO’s social media and now reside on CJO’s channel. These were created to be general and therefore useful to musicians of all ages, and some weren’t specifically geared towards scholastic jazz instruction.
The Air of Your Ways
In this CJO Educational Outreach video, CJO trombonist Scott Garlock offers methods to improve lung capacity and air efficiency.
Basic Ear Training on Your Horn
In this Educational Outreach video prepared by the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra some approaches and exercises are shared to help develop ‘playing by ear’ with CJO lead trombonist Scott Garlock.
Becoming the Best Trumpet Player You Can Be in 5 Minutes
CJO Lead Trumpet player Dave Banks shares a number of points and exercises to quickly improve many aspects of successful trumpet playing.
Aidan Plank “Playing Pizzicato on the Bass”
CJO Bassist Aidan Plank shares his expertise on acoustic bass fundamentals and specifically on getting the best out of pizzicato playing.
Trumpet Warmup Routines with Theresa May
in this CJO Educational Outreach video, Theresa shares her thoughts on preparing the embouchure and preparing the use of air for successful brass playing.
Chris Anderson - “Three Steps in Starting Improvisation”
CJO Trombonist Chris Anderson shares an easy plan to developing and improving improvisation.
Tips for Sightreading - Bettyjeane Quimby
In this CJO Educational Outreach Video, CJO Saxist Bettyjeane Quimby shares an effective and methodical path towards improving sight reading. This is suitable for players of all levels of ability.